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Bay Cup at EGF: Y10MF, Y12MF Sep 22, 2013
En Garde Fencing: Santa Rosa, CA
posted 08/02/2013
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This is a Bay Cup tournament. In addition to the event fee, the following Bay Cup registration fee is required:

$0 if fencer has season pass
$15/event for single-event registration
$90 for a Bay Cup season pass (collected by Bay Cup volunteer at tournament or may be purchased by mail. Payment forms available online at or by email request to ). The season pass allows the fencer to participate in applicable age-category events in the Youth, Junior, Senior and Veteran series. The season pass is a better deal for those who plan to compete in more than one series.

Season passes will be sold until November 26, 2013.
A late fee of $10 will be assessed for registering at the door.
Entry fee is $20/event.

The standard event format used for Bay Cup tournaments is one round of pools with 100% promotion to a direct elimination table with no repechage.

Events Scheduled:
Y10 Men's Foil
Y12 Men's Foil

New Y10 and Y12 DE Formats:

Y10 direct elimination bouts are for 10 hits or end when two periods of three minutes, with a one - minute rest between each period, have passed. The first period ends either at the expiration of three minutes or when 5 hits are scored, whichever comes first.

Y12 direct elimination bouts are for 15 hits or end when 3 periods of three minutes, with a one - minute rest between each period have passed.

Preregistration opens on 08/02/2013.
Preregistration closes on 09/20/2013.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this tournament at En Garde Fencing, please feel free to contact Jim Liebich at (707) 433-8102 or email him at