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The Bay Cup
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Bay Cup at NBFA: UWF1, CLWF1 Sep 13, 2015
North Bay Fencing Academy: Santa Rosa, CA
posted 07/16/2015
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This is a Bay Cup tournament. In addition to the event fee, the following Bay Cup registration fee is required:

$0 if fencer has season pass
$15/event for single-event registration

To purchase a Bay Cup season pass visit The Bay Cup website:

The season pass allows the fencer to participate in applicable age-category events in any Bay Cup event, including the Las Vegas events. The season pass is a better deal for those who plan to compete in more than 6 Bay Cup events over the course of the season.

Season passes will be sold until November 11, 2015.

Save $5 by paying the fee online! Entry fee for pre-registered fencers is $25/event online, through AskFRED, or $30/event at the door. A walk-in fee of $10 will be assessed at the door for fencers who have not pre-registered.

Refund: If you paid the fees online, but have to withdraw, please email 24 hours before the event. We'll refund your paid fee, minus any AskFred fees, taxes or chargebacks, no later than 4 weeks after the event. No refunds afterwards.

Doors Open: 9am

Div2 Senior Women's Foil -- 10am
Unrated Senior Women's Foil -- 2pm

The standard event format used for Bay Cup tournaments is one round of pools with 100% promotion to a direct elimination table with no repechage.

The Unrated event(s) will only be held if there are 6 or more fencers by the pre-registration deadline. The tournament organizers will contact you ahead of time if the event will not be held. Also, there will be medals awarded for the unrated event, but there will be no points awarded or point standings for this series.

Preregistration opens on 07/16/2015.
Preregistration closes on 09/10/2015.