$30 non-member fee per tournament (covers multiple events per day)
This is a Bay Cup tournament. In addition to the event fee, a Bay Cup Tournament Registration Fee is required for all non-Bay Cup members.
The Bay Cup tournament registration fee is waived for season members. Season membership is a better deal for those who plan to compete in more than 4 Bay Cup tournaments over the course of the season. Bay Cup fees pay for medals, year-end prizes, administration and management of Bay Cup operations, referee development, and tournament subsidies to the host clubs to help with their operating expenses.
$30, during the pre-registration period, paid through AskFRED. If you do not pre-register, you can still participate, for additional $20 (cash or check) walk-in fee paid at the door.
Refund Policy: If you paid the fees online, but have to withdraw, no later than the last day of pre-registration, please e-mail us. We'll refund your paid fee, minus any AskFred fees, taxes or chargebacks, no later than 2 weeks after the event.
Format: Each team match will be run using the standard USA Fencing team format: Relay format, 9 bouts to a maximum score of 45 – increments of 5 touches or maximum time of 3 minutes for each bout. Teams may be three- or four-person teams, alternates allowed
Competition format will be decided based on the number of teams present and will be set so that each team fences a minimum of two matches. Medals awarded to top three teams.
By registering for the tournament, you as a participant, or your parent or guardian for participants under the age of 18, are confirming that you or your parent or guardian have read and are in agreement with the conditions of the waiver located at the Resources section of The Bay Cup website: http://thebaycup.net/all-resources/waiver/
By registering for the tournament you are accepting of the photo/video release. To opt out, inform the organizers of the tournament.
Follow The Bay Cup on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Sign up for The Bay Cup weekly newsletter and more at http://www.thebaycup.net/
Pre-registration closes at the end of the day on Thursday before this event.