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The Bay Cup
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Preregistration List

Bay Cup @ SacFC: JMS, DLXS, DHXS Sun 10/03
Please pre-register before the deadline so we can plan the event accordingly (and to avoid the $10 late fee).
Sacramento Fencing Club: Rancho Cordova, CA
posted 08/27/2010

  All event times are Close of Registration.
Junior Men's Saber      Sun 10/03    reg close: 12:30PM
23 Fencers: 2A's 2B's 8C's 5D's 2E's 4U's  could be a A1 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Armijo, Gabriel C2010 
Buchwald, Isaac B2010 
Buchwald, Jonah D2010 
Dalli, Jeffrey C2010 
Dickinson, Drew C2010 
French, Michael D2010 
Giles, James E2009 
Gleeson, Andrew C2010 
Hallsten, John A2010 
Hsu, Gregory E2009 
Jelvis, Tikhon C2009 
Li, Sean D2010 
Liang, Calvin C2010 
Miurrelle, Kalan C2010 
Musgrave, Walter
Nie, David
O'Keefe, Conor
Palabrica, Alex Rey B2010 
Pascual, Johannes D2010 
Shanus, Sebastian D2010 
Stayner, John C2009 
Streets, Kaito A2010 
Yen, Alexander
Div3 Senior Mixed Saber      Sun 10/03    reg close: 10:00AM
27 Fencers: 1C 9D's 5E's 12U's  could be a C2 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Attisani, Gabrielle E2010 
Atwood, Chris C2010 
Bell, Daniel D2007 
Caisse, Michael E2008 
Chu, Lillian
Chu, Taotao
Dolnik, Vlad
Fedkiw, Olivier
Fontaine, Mary
Giles, James E2009 
Hsu, Gregory E2009 
Khan, Petra D2010 
Li, Sean D2010 
Mori, Ashley D2010 
Musgrave, Walter
Nie, David
O'Keefe, Conor
Pascual, Johannes D2010 
Raney, David
Segale, William D2009 
Shanus, Sebastian D2010 
Smith, Brendan
Streets, Simon D2008 
Thornley, Blake D2010 
Wang, Royce E2010 
Yen, Alexander
Zahner, Mark
DAbove Senior Mixed Saber      Sun 10/03    reg close: 2:30PM
25 Fencers: 3A's 5B's 11C's 6D's  could be a A2 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Armijo, Gabriel C2010 
Buchwald, Isaac B2010 
Buchwald, Jonah D2010 
Caisse, Karinne D2010 
Dalli, Jeffrey C2010 
Davis, Anika A2008 
Dickinson, Drew C2010 
Gleeson, Andrew C2010 
Hallsten, John A2010 
Hu, Danya C2010 
Jelvis, Tikhon C2009 
Kim, Jai B2009 
Li, Sean D2010 
Liang, Calvin C2010 
Miurrelle, Kalan C2010 
Mize, Douglas C2008 
Segale, William D2009 
Smith, Chaz B2009 
Smith, Kyle B2010 
Smith, Ted B2010 
Stayner, John C2009 
Streets, Kaito A2010 
Streets, Simon D2008 
Thornley, Blake D2010 
Yee, Sarah C2009 
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