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Bay Cup@SACRMNTO: Y10XS; Y12MS; Y14MS Sun 10/07
Sacramento Saber Fencing: Rancho Cordova, CA
posted 09/07/2012

  All event times are Close of Registration.
Y10 Mixed Saber      Sun 10/07    reg close: 10:30AM
8 Fencers: 8U's  could be a NR event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Anderson, Ian
Chu, Edrick
Dubey, Akash
Fahri, Monir J.
Flores, Peter
Nkadi, Zack
Schmitt, Trenton
Sunga, Arabella Krystienne
Y12 Men's Saber      Sun 10/07    reg close: 12:30PM
14 Fencers: 14U's  could be a NR event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Hansen, Reed
Lu, Aaron
Mayfield, Chase
Mendoza, Jacob Francis
Meng, Bolang Brend
Mullennix, Ethan
Nkadi, Zack
No, Nicholas
Oster, Keegan
Rozek, Logan B.
Schmitt, Trenton
Shatzel, Liam
Tauzer, Gianni
Vidovszky, Robert
Y14 Men's Saber      Sun 10/07    reg close: 2:30PM
28 Fencers: 1D 4E's 23U's  could be a NR event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Anderson, Jacob
Baumann, Jakob E2012 
Buckner, Daegan D2012 
Chen, Kevin W E2012 
Chu, Stanley
Flores, Martin E2012 
Haider, Kazim
Huey, Brandon W.
Koskela, Nelson
Krutchenko, Andrey
Kumar, Nimai
La Mers-Noble, Julian
Lee, Daniel
Lu, Aaron
Mendoza, Jacob Francis
Mullennix, Ethan
No, Nicholas
Oster, Keegan
Pei, Eric E2012 
Roberts, Patrick
Sakai, Wren
Shim, Andrew
Tauzer, Gianni
Vickland, Peter
Vidovszky, Robert
Willett, Aidan
Young, David
Zhang, Andrew Y
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