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2010-2011 The Bay Cup Individual

2010-2011 Senior Women's Epee Points List
Rank Fencer Points For Rank Bay Cup @ GPS: Golden State Women's 3 Weapon Event
Sep 12, 2010
Senior Women's Epee
Bay Cup @ UCB: JWE; WE; VWE
Oct 10, 2010
Senior Women's Epee
Bay Cup @ GGFC: WE, JME, Y12XE, Y14WE, Y14ME
Dec 5, 2010
Senior Women's Epee
Bay Cup @ GGFC: JWE, WE
Jan 23, 2011
Senior Women's Epee
Bay Cup @ TFC: JWE, WE, JME
Mar 27, 2011
Senior Women's Epee
Bay Cup @ GPS: JWE, JME, WE
Jun 19, 2011
Senior Women's Epee
1 Bloomer, Suzanne : AFM 4020 695 (6th) 700 (5th) 920 (2nd) 700 (5th) 850 (3rd) 850 (3rd)
2 Tillman, Sarah R. : GGFC 3845 850 (3rd) 525 (11th) 850 (3rd) 920 (2nd) 700 (5th)
3 Fulghum, Katherine : UNAT 3000 1000 (1st) 1000 (1st) 1000 (1st)
4 Estrada, Anna : HALB 2960 525 (11th) 515 (13th) 685 (8th) 690 (7th) 530 (10th) 530 (10th)
5 Paregian, Michelle : UNAT 2465 920 (2nd) 850 (3rd) 695 (6th)
6 McCarthy, Medora : UNAT 2450 530 (10th) 535 (9th) 700 (5th) 685 (8th)
7 Erickson, Laura : NBFA 2385 515 (13th) 340 (19th) 330 (21st) 525 (11th) 500 (16th) 505 (15th)
8 Fahrner-Scott, Kelly : GGFC 2085 505 (15th) 520 (12th) 535 (9th) 525 (11th)
9 Knopp, Kim : DFA 2080 530 (10th) 350 (17th) 505 (15th) 695 (6th)
10 Morrison, Valerie : GPS 2050 700 (5th) 500 (16th) 850 (3rd)
11 Neveu, Grace : UTFC 2000 1000 (1st) 1000 (1st)
12 Radich, Lori : UNAT 1875 510 (14th) 505 (15th) 345 (18th) 515 (13th)
13 Wahler, Katie : UMFC 1735 690 (7th) 510 (14th) 535 (9th)
14 Phillips, Wendy : CARD 1730 350 (17th) 340 (19th) 530 (10th) 510 (14th)
15 Womack, Genevieve : TFC 1725 525 (11th) 515 (13th) 685 (8th)
16 Hanamoto, Claire : HSC 1715 345 (18th) 515 (13th) 335 (20th) 520 (12th)
17 Anderson, Maia : OCFC 1710 500 (16th) 520 (12th) 690 (7th)
18 Hallsten, Catherine : U.C.S.D. 1700 850 (3rd) 850 (3rd)
19 Lisagor, Jessica : GGFC 1620 920 (2nd) 700 (5th)
20 McElwee, LC : STANFORD 1610 690 (7th) 920 (2nd)
21 Stanica, Teodora : TFCSANJOSE 1550 345 (18th) 350 (17th) 335 (20th) 520 (12th)
22 Parker, Sharon : EBFG 1530 510 (14th) 505 (15th) 515 (13th)
23 Brunelle, Margaret : MFC 1440 520 (12th) 920 (2nd)
24 Jernigan, Harriett : WBFC 1390 695 (6th) 695 (6th)
25 McElwee, MW : USAFA 1370 685 (8th) 685 (8th)
26 Strauss, Gavriela : GGFC 1345 520 (12th) 510 (14th) 315 (24th)
27 Peceli, Isabella : UNAT 1200 510 (14th) 690 (7th)
28 Jones, Pauline : TFC 1195 500 (16th) 345 (18th) 350 (17th)
29 Barmina, Olga : DFA 1055 530 (10th) 525 (11th)
30 Korb, Erica : NYAC 1000 1000 (1st)
31 Soin, Aditi : U.C.S.D. 855 320 (23rd) 535 (9th)
32T Akbay, Allison : PEN 850 850 (3rd)
32T Hutchison, Laurel : GPS 850 850 (3rd)
32T Deffense, Clare : SWORDS 850 850 (3rd)
32T Schoenbrunner, Nancy : GPS 850 850 (3rd)
36 Leung, Carolyn : DFA 835 505 (15th) 330 (21st)
37 Freedman, Lauren : MFA 695 695 (6th)
38 Rosenfeld, Zoe : GGFC 690 690 (7th)
39 Montoya, Amy : BB-FC 685 685 (8th)
40T Slikas, Beth : PFFC 535 535 (9th)
40T Esnault, Camille : EBFG 535 535 (9th)
42 Thompson, Sarah : TFC 340 340 (19th)
43 Lutton, Patricia : DF 325 325 (22nd)