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2011-2012 The Bay Cup

2011-2012 Senior C & Lower Mixed Epee Points List
Rank Fencer Points For Rank Bay Cup @ GGFC: JWE; Y12XE; Y14WE; Y14ME; CLXE
Oct 9, 2011
C & Under Senior Mixed Epee
Nov 6, 2011
C & Under Senior Mixed Epee
Jan 2, 2012
C & Under Senior Mixed Epee
Bay Cup @ EGF: CLXE
Feb 4, 2012
C & Under Senior Mixed Epee
Bay Cup @ CFA: JME5, Y12XE4, Y14ME5, CLXE5
Mar 4, 2012
C & Under Senior Mixed Epee
Jun 17, 2012
C & Under Senior Mixed Epee
1 Lo, Ethan : UNAT 3690 1000 (1st) 920 (2nd) 850 (3rd) 920 (2nd) 310 (25th) 690 (7th)
2 Lucasey, Charles : HALB 3320 700 (5th) 350 (17th) 920 (2nd) 850 (3rd) 690 (7th) 850 (3rd)
3 Smith, Justin : LAIFC 2795 515 (13th) 335 (20th) 510 (14th) 850 (3rd) 920 (2nd)
4 McIntyre, Greg : PFC 2545 850 (3rd) 695 (6th) 1000 (1st)
5 Nicholson, Dominic : EGF - CA 2420 535 (9th) 500 (16th) 685 (8th) 700 (5th)
6 Kawula, Steven : UNAT 2250 510 (14th) 695 (6th) 345 (18th) 700 (5th)
7 Nicholson, Dimitri : EGF - CA 2170 685 (8th) 345 (18th) 290 (29th) 850 (3rd)
8 Drew, Alex : NCFA 2040 125 (33rd) 310 (25th) 700 (5th) 700 (5th) 330 (21st)
9 Sat-Vollhardt, Julien : EBFG 2005 525 (11th) 690 (7th) 275 (32nd) 515 (13th)
10 Fukushima, Jack : MFA 1890 690 (7th) 350 (17th) 850 (3rd)
11 Lee, Casey : UCLA 1880 340 (19th) 120 (34th) 685 (8th) 510 (14th) 345 (18th)
12 Fialkowski, Steven : UFO 1865 505 (15th) 500 (16th) 510 (14th) 350 (17th) 285 (30th)
13 McCarthy, Medora : UNAT 1800 120 (34th) 275 (32nd) 275 (32nd) 315 (24th) 525 (11th) 685 (8th)
14 Wang, Patrick : EBFG 1720 530 (10th) 320 (23rd) 340 (19th) 530 (10th)
15 Norby, Haydon : TFC 1695 325 (22nd) 850 (3rd) 520 (12th)
16 McGrew, John : EBFG 1665 285 (30th) 325 (22nd) 525 (11th) 280 (31st) 305 (26th) 510 (14th)
17 King, David : ALLIANCE 1585 530 (10th) 520 (12th) 535 (9th)
18 Cunningham, Marc : SFUSD 1575 695 (6th) 535 (9th) 345 (18th)
19 Brodie, Ian : SAS 1425 320 (23rd) 85 (41st) 515 (13th) 505 (15th)
20 Dolnik, Vlad : AFM 1425 510 (14th) 65 (45th) 330 (21st) 520 (12th)
21 Korn, Benjamin : SBF 1375 850 (3rd) 525 (11th)
22 Moore, Thomas E : GPS 1315 345 (18th) 315 (24th) 105 (37th) 335 (20th) 320 (23rd)
23 Leonardini, Barry M : EBFG 1260 105 (37th) 295 (28th) 330 (21st) 125 (33rd) 300 (27th) 335 (20th)
24 Johnson, David : TFCSANJOSE 1260 110 (36th) 515 (13th) 315 (24th) 320 (23rd)
25 Davis, Andrew : EBFG 1225 690 (7th) 535 (9th)
26 Rao, Samuel : EBFG 1195 525 (11th) 320 (23rd) 350 (17th)
27 Lipton, Jason : LAIFC 1180 340 (19th) 505 (15th) 335 (20th)
28 Pearson, Steven : RSB 1140 515 (13th) 530 (10th) 95 (39th)
29 Firsov, Oleksandr : CPFC 1125 290 (29th) 300 (27th) 535 (9th)
30 Vevea, Jack : SSC 1040 335 (20th) 80 (42nd) 110 (36th) 280 (31st) 315 (24th)
31 Bronfman, Gabriel B : GGFC 1030 510 (14th) 520 (12th)
32 Brass, Jason : HDFA 1015 320 (23rd) 695 (6th)
33 Garces, Joshua Jeam : CFA 1010 325 (22nd) 685 (8th)
34 Oktay, Deniz : IFA-CA 1005 315 (24th) 690 (7th)
35 Tillman, Sarah R. : GGFC 1005 505 (15th) 500 (16th)
36 Mankin, Ben : EBFG 1000 1000 (1st)
37 Muehlner, James : HALB 1000 1000 (1st)
38 Pohl, Mark : WBFC 1000 1000 (1st)
39 Howell, Thomas : LAIFC 1000 1000 (1st)
40 Spivack, Robert : HALB 950 275 (32nd) 105 (37th) 285 (30th) 285 (30th)
41 Lim, Robert : TFC 920 920 (2nd)
42 Turkeltaub, Daniel : TFC 920 920 (2nd)
43 Giles, James : U.C.S.D. 850 850 (3rd)
44 Colwell, Tracy : CARD 850 850 (3rd)
45 Hale, Rand : GGFC 850 850 (3rd)
46 Yukelson, Taly (Talia) : U.C.S.D. 825 310 (25th) 515 (13th)
47 Johnson, Nathan : TFC 815 520 (12th) 295 (28th)
48 Wright, Ryan : DFA 810 280 (31st) 530 (10th)
49 Beck, Brian : AFM 750 300 (27th) 25 (49th) 115 (35th) 310 (25th)
50 Bigosinski, Kacper : GGFC 700 700 (5th)
51 Oort, Pieter : DFA 700 700 (5th)
52 Luu, Manny : TFC 695 695 (6th)
53 Reid, Isaac : RSB 685 685 (8th)
54 Leake, Kaelyn : UNAT 670 115 (35th) 335 (20th) 100 (38th) 70 (44th) 120 (34th)
55 Olsen, Lance : EBFG 665 325 (22nd) 340 (19th)
56 Wahler, Katie : UMFC 640 350 (17th) 290 (29th)
57 Heisler, Brendan : UNAT 635 330 (21st) 305 (26th)
58 Trombla, Alan : MFA 630 290 (29th) 340 (19th)
59 Xu, S. Winston : TOUCHE 615 330 (21st) 285 (30th)
60 Campbell, Kenneth : UNAT 610 500 (16th) 110 (36th)
61 Hunter, Justin : EBFG 535 535 (9th)
62 Russell, Todd : EBFG 530 530 (10th)
63 McKeen, Mike : HDFA 525 525 (11th)
64 Trubowitch, Zev : NCFA 525 100 (38th) 345 (18th) 80 (42nd)
65 Hutton, Jocelyn : UCDFC 520 520 (12th)
66 Freeman, D.J. : FFA 505 505 (15th)
67 Murakoshi, Kevin : DFA 500 500 (16th)
68 La, Frank : UNAT 500 500 (16th)
69 Anderson, Maia : OCFC 490 90 (40th) 105 (37th) 295 (28th)
70 Baccari, Martina : EBFG 485 55 (47th) 105 (37th) 325 (22nd)
71 Phillips, Wendy : CARD 460 85 (41st) 100 (38th) 275 (32nd)
72 Peceli, Isabella : UNAT 425 300 (27th) 125 (33rd)
73 Luna, Carlos : RSB 385 310 (25th) 75 (43rd)
74 Vantine, Kade : DFA 380 90 (40th) 290 (29th)
75 Peceli, Juliana : UIW FENCIN 370 280 (31st) 90 (40th)
76 Macarr, Madalyn : UNAT 350 350 (17th)
77 Heberling, John : EFC 340 340 (19th)
78 Wallis, Steve : MARINFENCI 330 330 (21st)
79 Li, Brandon : EBFG 325 325 (22nd)
80 Wick, Jana : NVFA 320 320 (23rd)
81 Black, Dylan : UNAT 315 315 (24th)
82 Sullivan, Cameron : USAFA 305 305 (26th)
83 Hallsten, Catherine : U.C.S.D. 305 305 (26th)
84 Coleman, Rachel : DELTA 305 305 (26th)
85 Paregian, Michelle : UNAT 305 305 (26th)
86 Tao, Daniel : DELTA 300 300 (27th)
87 Tillman, Robert : EBFG 300 300 (27th)
88 Oort, Brennan : DFA 295 295 (28th)
89 Mak, Lisa : DELTA 295 295 (28th)
90 Simard, Ernie : MFA 295 295 (28th)
91 Breksa, Lyndsey : EBFG 280 280 (31st)
92 Strauss, Andrew : SC 210 95 (39th) 115 (35th)
93 Soin, Aditi : U.C.S.D. 185 60 (46th) 125 (33rd)
94 Jones, Pauline : TFC 170 65 (45th) 55 (47th) 50 (48th)
95 Lynch, Kristin : EBFG 165 90 (40th) 75 (43rd)
96 Ongsitco, Mark : MARINFENCI 125 125 (33rd)
97 Benet, Benjamin : MFA 120 120 (34th)
98 Bettencourt, Matthew : IFA-CA 120 120 (34th)
99 Kelly, Jen : NCFA 120 95 (39th) 25 (51st)
100 Schoenbrunner, Nancy : GPS 115 115 (35th)
101 Chow, Alvin : IFA-CA 115 115 (35th)
102 Stuart-Mills, Jonathan : EBFG 110 110 (36th)
103 Simoni, James : TFCSANJOSE 110 110 (36th)
104 Beatie, Breck : NBFA 100 100 (38th)
105 Parker, Sharon : EBFG 95 95 (39th)
106 Boosalis, William : UNAT 85 85 (41st)
107 Womack, Genevieve : TFC 80 80 (42nd)
108 Mohun, Alexander : GGFC 75 75 (43rd)
109 Klein, Michael : EBFG 70 70 (44th)
110 Radich, Lori : UNAT 70 70 (44th)
111 Shelby, Robert : EBFG 65 65 (45th)
112 Reiter, Ben : HALB 65 65 (45th)
113 Badger, Len : EBFG 60 60 (46th)
114 Shepherd, Margaret : UNAT 50 50 (48th)
115 Stanica, Teodora : TFCSANJOSE 25 25 (50th)
116 Pang, Rory : UCR 25 25 (52nd)