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2011-2012 The Bay Cup

2011-2012 Vet Mixed Epee Points List
Rank Fencer Points For Rank Bay Cup @ TFC: VXE, VWE
Sep 11, 2011
Vet Combined Mixed Epee
Bay Cup @ MFA: VXE2; VXS2; VWE2; VXF2;
Dec 4, 2011
Vet Combined Mixed Epee
Bay Cup @ HFC: VWE3, VXE3
Feb 19, 2012
Vet Combined Mixed Epee
Bay Cup @ TFC: VXE, VWE
Mar 11, 2012
Vet Combined Mixed Epee
May 6, 2012
Vet Combined Mixed Epee
Jun 10, 2012
Vet Combined Mixed Epee
1 Perka, Mike : TFCSANJOSE 3470 850 (3rd) 850 (3rd) 920 (2nd) 695 (6th) 850 (3rd) 350 (17th)
2 Pohl, Mark : WBFC 3380 1000 (1st) 530 (10th) 1000 (1st) 850 (3rd)
3 Mariani, Lou : TFCSANJOSE 3315 700 (5th) 920 (2nd) 510 (14th) 1000 (1st) 695 (6th)
4 Gerring, Phillip : EBFG 3160 535 (9th) 850 (3rd) 690 (7th) 685 (8th) 920 (2nd) 700 (5th)
5 Wheeler, Mark : WCFA 2990 530 (10th) 690 (7th) 850 (3rd) 530 (10th) 920 (2nd)
6 Bothelio, Jere : AFM 2980 685 (8th) 525 (11th) 515 (13th) 920 (2nd) 685 (8th) 690 (7th)
7 Ameli, Sean : BB-FC 2970 920 (2nd) 520 (12th) 530 (10th) 1000 (1st)
8 Altman, Jeff : RMFA 2770 535 (9th) 345 (18th) 850 (3rd) 535 (9th) 850 (3rd)
9 Bronzo, Thomas : NCFA 2415 515 (13th) 685 (8th) 325 (22nd) 690 (7th) 515 (13th) 525 (11th)
10 Lutton, Tom : DF 2360 690 (7th) 315 (24th) 850 (3rd) 505 (15th)
11 Lipp, Robert : TFC 2245 350 (17th) 695 (6th) 500 (16th) 520 (12th) 530 (10th)
12 Cates, Archie : EGF - CA 2240 850 (3rd) 515 (13th) 320 (23rd) 350 (17th) 525 (11th) 320 (23rd)
13 Millman, David : NCFA 2095 310 (25th) 700 (5th) 335 (20th) 525 (11th) 335 (20th) 535 (9th)
14 King, Dick : NWFC 2050 525 (11th) 500 (16th) 300 (27th) 340 (19th) 685 (8th)
15 Lucasey, Charles : HALB 2040 510 (14th) 510 (14th) 510 (14th) 510 (14th)
16 Tepedelenlioglu, Mehmet : EBFG 2000 1000 (1st) 1000 (1st)
17 Jensen, David : FORTUNE 1920 700 (5th) 700 (5th) 520 (12th)
18 Colwell, Tracy : CARD 1910 695 (6th) 515 (13th) 700 (5th)
19 Hoopes Jr., Richard : UNAT 1900 520 (12th) 340 (19th) 345 (18th) 695 (6th)
20 Walker, William : NWFC 1735 345 (18th) 330 (21st) 525 (11th) 535 (9th) 325 (22nd)
21 Jefferies, Jonathan : HALB 1690 340 (19th) 345 (18th) 505 (15th) 500 (16th) 325 (22nd) 300 (27th)
22 Fialkowski, Steven : UFO 1655 520 (12th) 505 (15th) 290 (29th) 300 (27th) 330 (21st)
23 Johnson, David : TFCSANJOSE 1470 350 (17th) 325 (22nd) 500 (16th) 295 (28th)
24 McGrew, John : EBFG 1465 505 (15th) 315 (24th) 305 (26th) 340 (19th) 290 (29th) 305 (26th)
25 Campbell, Kenneth : UNAT 1460 325 (22nd) 510 (14th) 330 (21st) 295 (28th) 105 (37th)
26 Bloomer, Suzanne : AFM 1460 320 (23rd) 530 (10th) 280 (31st) 330 (21st)
27 Murray, Stephen : LPFC 1340 335 (20th) 505 (15th) 500 (16th)
28 Leonardini, Barry M : EBFG 1285 295 (28th) 340 (19th) 115 (35th) 305 (26th) 345 (18th) 275 (32nd)
29 Dolnik, Vlad : AFM 1260 305 (26th) 310 (25th) 335 (20th) 310 (25th) 285 (30th)
30 Spivack, Robert : HALB 1255 290 (29th) 350 (17th) 310 (25th) 305 (26th) 290 (29th)
31 Katz, David : TFC 1230 695 (6th) 535 (9th)
32 Barmina, Olga : DFA 1215 300 (27th) 275 (32nd) 320 (23rd) 315 (24th) 280 (31st)
33 Jones, Pauline : TFC 1195 300 (27th) 305 (26th) 295 (28th) 295 (28th)
34 Gordon, Phillip : WBFC 1035 320 (23rd) 315 (24th) 275 (32nd) 125 (33rd)
35 Vevea, Jack : SSC 1015 500 (16th) 120 (34th) 275 (32nd) 120 (34th)
36 Parker, Sharon : EBFG 990 290 (29th) 115 (35th) 95 (39th) 285 (30th) 300 (27th)
37 Mashhadian, Tal : TFC 850 850 (3rd)
38 Loeffler, Carl : LAIFC 850 850 (3rd)
39 Weingarten, Solomon : EBFG 835 520 (12th) 315 (24th)
40 Lutton, Patricia : DF 785 280 (31st) 125 (33rd) 280 (31st) 100 (38th)
41 Radich, Lori : UNAT 770 280 (31st) 105 (37th) 290 (29th) 95 (39th)
42 Ameli, Cynthia : BB-FC 740 330 (21st) 320 (23rd) 90 (40th)
43 Mikhailov, Michael : TFC 690 690 (7th)
44 Koerber, Christopher : TFCSANJOSE 685 685 (8th)
45 Heberling, John : EFC 605 295 (28th) 310 (25th)
46 McCown, Merry : SLHFC 595 315 (24th) 280 (31st)
47 Knopp, Kim : DFA 535 125 (33rd) 285 (30th) 125 (33rd)
48 Djurisic, Zoran : DELTA 515 515 (13th)
49 Korn, Benjamin : SBF 505 505 (15th)
50 Trombla, Alan : MFA 420 310 (25th) 110 (36th)
51 Pearson, Steven : RSB 405 325 (22nd) 80 (42nd)
52 Beck, Brian : AFM 370 285 (30th) 85 (41st)
53 Buchanan, Aaron : PFC 350 350 (17th)
54 Buchanan, Aaron : NWFC 345 345 (18th)
55 Vidovszky, Tamas : PREMIERFA 340 340 (19th)
56 Wallis, Steve : MARINFENCI 335 335 (20th)
57 Sterling, William : MTFC 335 335 (20th)
58 Simoni, James : TFCSANJOSE 330 330 (21st)
59 Kleinberg, Adam : SFFC 285 285 (30th)
60 Beatie, Breck : NBFA 285 285 (30th)
61 Simard, Ernie : MFA 275 275 (32nd)
62 Djurisic, Maja : DELTA 230 120 (34th) 110 (36th)
63 Phillips, Wendy : CARD 125 125 (33rd)
64 Diana, Heather : TFC 115 115 (35th)
65 Hanamoto, Claire : HSC 100 100 (38th)