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2012-2013 The Bay Cup

2012-2013 Junior Men's Saber Points List
Rank Fencer Points For Rank Bay Cup @ HALB: JMS, DLXS, DHXS, VXS
Oct 21, 2012
Junior (U20) Men's Saber
Dec 2, 2012
Junior (U20) Men's Saber
Bay Cup @ HRIS-CSIK: Y14MS3; JMS3
Feb 9, 2013
Junior (U19) Men's Saber
Mar 10, 2013
Junior (U20) Men's Saber
Bay Cup @ HRIS-CSIK: JMS5; Y14MS5; Y12MS5; Y10MS5
May 19, 2013
Junior (U19) Men's Saber
1 DeCaire, Duncan : PREMIERFA 3620 505 (15th) 1000 (1st) 920 (2nd) 850 (3rd) 850 (3rd)
2 Flores, Gerardo D : HALB 3250 850 (3rd) 700 (5th) 695 (6th) 850 (3rd) 850 (3rd)
3 Roberts, Evan : HSC 2990 685 (8th) 920 (2nd) 685 (8th) 700 (5th) 535 (9th)
4 Giles, James : U.C.S.D. 2550 850 (3rd) 700 (5th) 1000 (1st)
5 Timofeyev, David : PREMIERFA 2085 700 (5th) 690 (7th) 695 (6th)
6 Shim, Kevin : HSC 2020 325 (22nd) 850 (3rd) 345 (18th) 500 (16th)
7 Li, Sean : HALB 1920 1000 (1st) 920 (2nd)
8 Gulati, Thejas : U.C.S.D. 1720 505 (15th) 530 (10th) 685 (8th)
9 Shim, Andrew : UCIFC 1715 535 (9th) 350 (17th) 310 (25th) 520 (12th)
10 George, Evan : U.C.S.D. 1700 1000 (1st) 700 (5th)
11 Buckner, Daegan : HSC 1690 515 (13th) 525 (11th) 330 (21st) 320 (23rd)
12 Nahigian, Richard : HHH 1590 530 (10th) 525 (11th) 535 (9th)
13 Zhang, Andrew Y : PREMIERFA 1570 535 (9th) 510 (14th) 525 (11th)
14T Bartlett, Josiah : HHH 1545 695 (6th) 500 (16th) 350 (17th)
14T Recinto, Jose : UNAT 1545 695 (6th) 850 (3rd)
14T Huey, Brandon W. : UNAT 1545 690 (7th) 340 (19th) 515 (13th)
17 Chen, Kevin W : CFA 1540 520 (12th) 515 (13th) 505 (15th)
18 Pei, Eric : HALB 1440 520 (12th) 920 (2nd)
19 Chu, Taotao : UCLA 1430 920 (2nd) 510 (14th)
20 Milgram, Nathan : DREWUN 1365 340 (19th) 685 (8th) 340 (19th)
21 La Mers-Noble, Julian : HSC 1360 515 (13th) 315 (24th) 530 (10th)
22 Vickland, Peter : HHH 1345 335 (20th) 510 (14th) 500 (16th)
23 Flores, Martin : PREMIERFA 1225 530 (10th) 695 (6th)
24 Jeffry, Robin Bradford : HALB 1185 345 (18th) 335 (20th) 505 (15th)
25 Halverson, Brett : PREMIERFA 1180 510 (14th) 340 (19th) 330 (21st)
26 Dick, Austin : ALFA 1055 525 (11th) 530 (10th)
27 Wong, Devon Kitt : HALB 1000 1000 (1st)
28 Roberts, Patrick : HHH 985 330 (21st) 310 (25th) 345 (18th)
29 Neutz, Evan : PREMIERFA 935 320 (23rd) 315 (24th) 300 (27th)
30 Katz, Eli : HALB 860 535 (9th) 325 (22nd)
31T Monahan, Sean : HHH 850 850 (3rd)
31T Pascual, Johannes : CARD 850 850 (3rd)
33T Clarkson, Cole : HDFA 690 690 (7th)
33T Shanus, Sebastian : HALB 690 690 (7th)
33T Miurrelle, Kalan : UCSD 690 690 (7th)
36 Marquez, Ethan : UCDFC 685 685 (8th)
37 Chu, Stanley : SCRMNTO 680 335 (20th) 345 (18th)
38 Kumar, Nimai : CFA 640 315 (24th) 325 (22nd)
39 Chen, Nicholas : UCB 525 525 (11th)
40 Chen, Nicholas : UCB 520 520 (12th)
41 Fang, Sida (William) : CFA 500 500 (16th)
42T Bernard, William : ALFA 350 350 (17th)
42T Ash, Jerold : IMANI 350 350 (17th)
44 Rowland, Dalton : IMANI 335 335 (20th)
45 Walker, Gabriel : UNAT 320 320 (23rd)
46 Bombwal, Ankit : ALFA 310 310 (25th)
47T Bode, Brant : DFA 305 305 (26th)
47T Walker, Michael : UNAT 305 305 (26th)
47T Liu, Lawrence : CFA 305 305 (26th)
50 Fong, Grant : CARD 300 300 (27th)
51 Olsson, Jerome : UCDFC 295 295 (28th)