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2014-2015 The Bay Cup

2014-2015 D & Higher Mixed Saber Points List
  • Each fencer's points are based on their best X results, where X is one less than the number of events in the series.
Rank Fencer Points For Rank Bay Cup at HRISTCSIK: JMS1, DLXS1, DHXS1
Aug 31, 2014
D & Above Senior Mixed Saber
Oct 19, 2014
D & Above Senior Mixed Saber
Dec 21, 2014
D & Above Senior Mixed Saber
Bay Cup at PEN: JMS4, UMS1, DLXS4, DHXS4
Feb 1, 2015
D & Above Senior Mixed Saber
Bay Cup at SCRMNTO: Y14MS4, JMS5, DLXS5, DHXS5
Mar 22, 2015
D & Above Senior Mixed Saber
Bay Cup at HALB: JWS4, WS5, DLXS6, DHXS6
May 31, 2015
D & Above Senior Mixed Saber
1 Mullennix, Ethan : UNAT 4695 695 (6th) 1000 (1st) 1000 (1st) 1000 (1st) 1000 (1st)
2 Zhang, Andrew Y : PREMIERFA 3520 535 (9th) 530 (10th) 685 (8th) 850 (3rd) 920 (2nd)
3 Thomson, Vernon : UNAT 3435 510 (14th) 850 (3rd) 695 (6th) 850 (3rd) 530 (10th)
4 Vidovszky, Robert : PREMIERFA 3245 505 (15th) 535 (9th) 505 (15th) 850 (3rd) 850 (3rd)
5 La Mers-Noble, Julian : HSC 2975 520 (12th) 530 (10th) 535 (9th) 695 (6th) 695 (6th)
6 Tobar, Joaquin : UNAT 2840 920 (2nd) 920 (2nd) 1000 (1st)
7 Vidovszky, Tamas : PREMIERFA 2780 520 (12th) 525 (11th) 695 (6th) 530 (10th) 510 (14th)
8 DeCaire, Duncan : PREMIERFA 2605 530 (10th) 695 (6th) 685 (8th) 695 (6th)
9 Flores, Gerardo D : HALB 2400 850 (3rd) 700 (5th) 850 (3rd)
10 Katz, Eli : HALB 2235 335 (20th) 315 (24th) 350 (17th) 500 (16th) 515 (13th) 535 (9th)
11 Lu, Aaron : PEN 2225 850 (3rd) 690 (7th) 685 (8th)
12 Milgram, Nathan : DREWUN 2070 345 (18th) 700 (5th) 340 (19th) 685 (8th)
13 Baumann, Jakob : PEN 2055 685 (8th) 520 (12th) 850 (3rd)
14 Zegers, Gabrielle : PREMIERFA 1740 525 (11th) 690 (7th) 525 (11th)
15 Pei, Eric : HALB 1725 515 (13th) 510 (14th) 700 (5th)
16T Huey, Brandon W. : UNAT 1700 330 (21st) 520 (12th) 350 (17th) 500 (16th)
16T Gulati, Thejas : U.C.S.D. 1700 850 (3rd) 850 (3rd)
18 Dalli, Jeffrey : UNAT 1610 690 (7th) 920 (2nd)
19 Jeffry, Robin Bradford : HALB 1575 350 (17th) 525 (11th) 700 (5th)
20 No, Nicholas : PREMIERFA 1565 335 (20th) 700 (5th) 530 (10th)
21 Shim, Andrew : UCIFC 1540 505 (15th) 515 (13th) 520 (12th)
22 Martinez, Mario : CARDINALFC 1520 320 (23rd) 330 (21st) 345 (18th) 525 (11th)
23 Kynett, Kathryn : PREMIERFA 1190 340 (19th) 345 (18th) 505 (15th)
24 Zhang, Victoria : PREMIERFA 1020 510 (14th) 510 (14th)
25 Kwong, Samuel : CARD 1000 1000 (1st)
26 Segale, William : UNAT 995 330 (21st) 340 (19th) 325 (22nd)
27 Devine-Casebolt, Dylan : PREMIERFA 990 345 (18th) 310 (25th) 335 (20th)
28T Recinto, Jose : UNAT 920 920 (2nd)
28T Li, Sean : HALB 920 920 (2nd)
30 Weise, Aaron : PEN 865 350 (17th) 515 (13th)
31 Pascual, Johannes : CARD 850 850 (3rd)
32 Oster, Keegan : U.C.S.D. 840 505 (15th) 335 (20th)
33 Giles, James : U.C.S.D. 700 700 (5th)
34T Milne, Will : PEN 690 690 (7th)
34T Davis, Joseph : LAWU 690 690 (7th)
36 Wong, Devon Kitt : HALB 685 685 (8th)
37T Mendoza, Jacob Francis : CARD 535 535 (9th)
37T Timofeyev, David : PREMIERFA 535 535 (9th)
39 Fallick, Ozzie : CARDINALFC 525 525 (11th)
40 Milgram, Daniel : CARD 515 515 (13th)
41T Graham, Sean : SLHFC 500 500 (16th)
41T Timofeyev, Daniella : PREMIERFA 500 500 (16th)
41T Pascual, Justine : CARD 500 500 (16th)
44 Paluru, Sanjeet : PREMIERFA 350 350 (17th)
45 Anderson, Elise : CPFC 345 345 (18th)
46 Fackenthal, Marigot : CORNELF 340 340 (19th)
47 Shin, Richard : AGFC 325 325 (22nd)
48 Dogillo, Jesse : TFC 320 320 (23rd)