Exciting new developments for FRED: New, modernised site and new management!
Final Results: Bay Cup at SCRMNTO: Y10XS3, JWS3, WS4, JMS3, XS4
Y10 Mixed Saber:
9 Competitors, a NR Event
Place |
Fencer |
Club |
Rating* |
Rating Earned* |
1 |
Krastev, Minna |
U |
2 |
Holz, Daniel |
U |
3 |
Hristov, Kris |
U |
3 |
Miller, Lliam |
U |
5 |
Ross, Dash |
U |
6 |
Tung, Ryan |
U |
7 |
Linehan, Eamonn |
U |
8 |
Kadid, Fatima |
U |
9 |
Yang, Dylan |
U |
Junior (U20) Men's Saber:
32 Competitors, a A2 Event
Place |
Fencer |
Club |
Rating* |
Rating Earned* |
1 |
Vidovszky, Robert |
A2018 |
2 |
No, Nicholas |
A2017 |
3 |
Paluru, Abhijeet |
C2017 |
B2018 |
3 |
Oster, Keegan |
A2017 |
5 |
Young, Nash |
C2017 |
C2018 |
6 |
Schmitt, Trenton |
A2017 |
7 |
Ray, Alex |
C2017 |
C2018 |
8 |
Kadid, Mohammed |
D2018 |
C2018 |
9 |
Abela, Sebastian |
E2018 |
D2018 |
10 |
Park, Donghwan |
B2017 |
11 |
Heathcock, Antonio |
A2017 |
12 |
Hu, William |
B2017 |
13 |
Reese, Aaron |
C2018 |
14 |
Copeland, Oliver |
C2018 |
15 |
Flores, Peter |
D2016 |
16 |
Blinkov, Andrey |
C2017 |
17 |
Marsee, James |
C2018 |
18 |
Kang, Brandon |
E2017 |
19 |
Padihari, Vedaant |
D2017 |
20 |
Menon, Rishi |
E2017 |
21 |
Abdo, Spencer |
U |
22 |
Menon, Rohan |
D2017 |
23 |
Holland, Njata |
U |
24 |
Cappelluti, Ryan |
C2017 |
25 |
Wang, Nathan |
U |
26 |
Michelena, Steven |
U |
27 |
Bautista, Kyan |
U |
28 |
Bailey, Nate |
U |
29 |
Pohl, Stephen |
U |
30 |
Heins, Dylan |
U |
31 |
Chan, Dylan |
U |
32 |
Sadler, Henry |
U |
Junior (U20) Women's Saber:
25 Competitors, a B2 Event
Place |
Fencer |
Club |
Rating* |
Rating Earned* |
1 |
Moya, Keona Lu |
A2017 |
2 |
Zegers, Anneke |
A2017 |
3 |
Yap, Madeline |
C2017 |
C2018 |
3 |
Lu, Vivian |
C2017 |
C2018 |
5 |
Floyd, Pattama |
B2014 |
6 |
Wang, Caroline |
C2017 |
7 |
Chernomorsky, Maria |
C2018 |
8 |
Tang, Cathy |
D2017 |
D2018 |
9 |
Chin, Erika |
B2017 |
10 |
Stelz, Kaelee |
C2017 |
11 |
Tom, Kristen |
D2016 |
12 |
Sunga, Arabella Krystienne |
C2018 |
13 |
Timofeyev, Nicole |
C2017 |
14 |
Vestel, Mira |
E2017 |
15 |
Chernomorsky, Alexandra |
D2017 |
16 |
Rogers, Pauline |
D2017 |
17 |
Fearns, Zara |
U |
18 |
Balmaseda, Sabrina |
C2017 |
19 |
Gulati, Ria |
C2017 |
20 |
Reddy, Shreya |
C2017 |
21 |
Kim, Sujin |
U |
22 |
He, Charlotte |
C2017 |
23 |
Kong, Isabel |
E2017 |
24 |
Raza, Isra |
U |
25 |
Raza, Ziqra |
U |
Senior Mixed Saber:
40 Competitors, a A2 Event
Place |
Fencer |
Club |
Rating* |
Rating Earned* |
1 |
Mullennix, Ethan |
A2017 |
A2018 |
2 |
Vidovszky, Robert |
A2018 |
3 |
Schmitt, Trenton |
A2017 |
3 |
Hu, William |
B2017 |
B2018 |
5 |
Flores, Gerardo D |
A2017 |
6 |
Marsee, James |
C2018 |
7 |
Park, Donghwan |
B2017 |
8 |
Cappelluti, Ryan |
C2017 |
C2018 |
9 |
Reese, Aaron |
C2018 |
10 |
Abela, Sebastian |
E2018 |
D2018 |
11 |
No, Nicholas |
A2017 |
12 |
Chen, Howard |
B2017 |
13 |
Fallick, Ozzie |
C2018 |
14 |
Young, Nash |
C2017 |
15 |
Ray, Alex |
C2017 |
16 |
Kadid, Mohammed |
D2018 |
17 |
Flores, Peter |
D2016 |
18 |
Menon, Rohan |
D2017 |
19 |
Vidovszky, Tamas |
A2017 |
20 |
Floyd, Pattama |
B2014 |
21 |
Blinkov, Andrey |
C2017 |
22 |
Kang, Brandon |
E2017 |
23 |
Floyd, Dale |
E2015 |
24 |
Paluru, Abhijeet |
C2017 |
25 |
Padihari, Vedaant |
D2017 |
26 |
Suorsa, Markus |
D2017 |
27 |
Bautista, Kyan |
U |
28 |
Holland, Njata |
U |
29 |
Kounalakis, Evangelos |
E2017 |
30 |
Orpilla, Apolo Alexander |
U |
31 |
Yan, Peter |
U |
32 |
Tang, Cathy |
D2017 |
33 |
Servis, Ryan |
U |
34 |
Sadler, Henry |
U |
35 |
Rogers, Pauline |
D2017 |
36 |
Bailey, Nate |
U |
37 |
Heins, Dylan |
U |
37 |
Kapila, Rushyl |
U |
39 |
Wang, Nathan |
U |
40 |
Hanamoto, Claire |
U |
Senior Women's Saber:
32 Competitors, a B2 Event
Place |
Fencer |
Club |
Rating* |
Rating Earned* |
1 |
Timofeyev, Daniella |
A2017 |
2 |
Moya, Keona Lu |
A2017 |
3 |
Yap, Madeline |
C2017 |
C2018 |
3 |
Lu, Vivian |
C2017 |
C2018 |
5 |
Sunga, Arabella Krystienne |
C2018 |
6 |
Gulati, Ria |
C2017 |
7 |
Floyd, Pattama |
B2014 |
8 |
Haq, Iman |
C2017 |
9 |
Zegers, Anneke |
A2017 |
10 |
Fearns, Zara |
C2017 |
11 |
Chin, Erika |
B2017 |
11 |
Timofeyev, Nicole |
C2017 |
13 |
Vera, Kalista |
U |
14 |
Tom, Kristen |
D2016 |
15 |
Chernomorsky, Maria |
C2018 |
16 |
Kong, Isabel |
E2017 |
17 |
He, Charlotte |
C2017 |
18 |
Tang, Cathy |
D2017 |
19 |
Rogers, Pauline |
D2017 |
20 |
Kynett, Kathryn |
B2016 |
21 |
Reddy, Shreya |
C2017 |
22 |
Wang, Caroline |
C2017 |
23 |
Chernomorsky, Alexandra |
D2017 |
24 |
Vestel, Mira |
E2017 |
25 |
Kim, Sujin |
U |
26 |
Ambalong, Jody |
C2015 |
27 |
Stelz, Kaelee |
C2017 |
28 |
Raza, Isra |
U |
29 |
Balmaseda, Sabrina |
C2017 |
30 |
Raza, Ziqra |
U |
31 |
Caisse, Sidney |
D2016 |
32 |
Hanamoto, Claire |
U |
Sacramento Saber Fencing: Rancho Cordova, CA
* Ratings in FRED are NOT official, and are subject to USFA and division policies. The USFA is the final authority for fencer ratings.