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The Bay Cup
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Final Results: Bay Cup at PFA: M & W Sabre: Y10, Y12, Y14

Y10 Men's Saber:    6 Competitors, a NR Event       
Place Fencer Club Rating* Rating Earned*
1   Kang, Jeremy  
2   Hristov, Nickolas  
3   Rambhia, Smit  
3   Vo, Blake  
5   Guan, Dylan  
6   Chang, William  
Y10 Women's Saber:    4 Competitors, a NR Event       
Place Fencer Club Rating* Rating Earned*
1   Kwon, Kaylin  
2   Cord, Sophia  
3   Hsu, Aubrie  
3   Miehm, Lillian  
Y12 Men's Saber:    11 Competitors, a NR Event       
Place Fencer Club Rating* Rating Earned*
1   Kang, Matthew  
2   Kang, Jeremy  
3   Bekdjanov, Arthur  
3   Iyer, Neil  
5   Cricol, Damian  
6   Wong, David  
7   Burde, Braylen  
8   Hristov, Nickolas  
9   Rambhia, Smit  
10   Dechev, Vlad  
11   Vo, Blake  
Y12 Women's Saber:    3 Competitors, a NR Event       
Place Fencer Club Rating* Rating Earned*
1   Tong, Laurie  
2   Hwang, Charlotte  
3   Wong, Natalie  
Y14 Men's Saber:    13 Competitors, a NR Event       
Place Fencer Club Rating* Rating Earned*
1   Holz, Lucas  
2   Cricol, Damian  
3   Bekdjanov, Arthur  
3   Iyer, Neil  
5   Hristov, Kris  
6   Vo, Landon  
7   Kang, Matthew  
8   Wong, Lucas  
9   Graehl, Ian  
10   Wong, Alexander  
11   Wong, David  
12   Curry, Mason  
13   Harkey, Matt  
Y14 Women's Saber:    4 Competitors, a NR Event       
Place Fencer Club Rating* Rating Earned*
1   Tong, Laurie  
2   Wong, Cerise  
3   Hwang, Charlotte  
3   Wong, Natalie  
Premier Fencing Academy: Sacramento, CA
* Ratings in FRED are NOT official, and are subject to USFA and division policies. The USFA is the final authority for fencer ratings.